Thursday, June 10, 2010

Long House - Umag Daru

long house umag daru

The Dayak tribe's traditional long house, called Umag Daru, defines the harmonious existence of extended families in one dwelling. Each head of the family is provided a big, spacious room called " lamin".

A long house spans up to 400 meters and can contain as many as 40 lamins. The room in the middle of the Umang Daru, the Lamin Jau, is the quarters of the tribal chief. Long house are made of ulin wood, and are built to stilts, accessible only trough one common wooden stairs. The walls are decorated with carvings known as " kalung".

Devider separate one Lamin from another. At the front of a long house is a statue, the Hudog, to keep the Umag Daru away from diseases and evil spirits.

Traditional costume and Dance of Benuaq Tribe

dayak tribe

The Dayaks are known for their colorful traditional costume, each of which possesses special meanings and social status of the wearer. Among the Benuaq women, traditional dresses are made from doyo leaves or tree barks, matched with ketau or tapeh made also from doyo leaves. Men wear the same , but use kesapu'ug or caps.


This Particular dress is worn for special festivities, like celebrating the victory of a tribal war. Such dance, the " Gong Dance ", is now only performed for guests attending their festivities.


Dayak Tribe

Bridal Costume of the Dayak's
bridal costum dayak

Dayak tribes, bridal costumes each differ in their weaving motifs. The bride usually wears a " sapai ", a dress elaborately decorated with beads and tiny bells, and a ketau tapeh, a cloth woven by the bridge herself using special tree roots for materials.

typical dayak tribe women

The bridegroom wears a woven red colored hat, called, " kesapu'up", and a shirt or "sapai" woven also by the bridegroom himself. He also wears a white or pink colored loin cloth called "bellet bagamai" to complete hi wedding attire.


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Culture of Minang - West Sumatra

Traditional house of West Sumatra

Rumah Gadang

Rumah gadang (big house) are the traditional house of the Minangkabau- West Sumatra. The architecture, construction, internal and external decoration, and the functions of the house reflect the culture and values of the Minangkabau. A rumah gadang serves as a residence, a hall for family meetings, and for ceremonial activities.

Girls in traditional costume

womens of minang

Women of the Minangkabau, a traditionally matrialchal, wear their wealth and influence on their hedress. Heavy and often elaborately crafted, the bridal costumes glitter with real or plated gold, produces mostly in Kota Gadang, the center for fine silver and gold filigree and hand embroidery.

Minangkabau Weavers

minangkabau weavers

Young Minangkabau girls spend time weaving ceremonial costumes. As a cottage industry, richly woven cloth have become one of best souvenir items from West Sumatra

Traditional Costume of West Sumatra

traditional costume of West Sumatra

Traditional House of Aceh (Rumoh)

traditional house of aceh

An Acehnese house generally consists of three partitions, a serame reve or front verandah, a jereu or main room, and a serame hiket or back verandah.

They are built on stilts and covered with thatch or sago fibre roofs.

Men Of Aceh
Acehnese men boast of their masculinity, attested by Aceh's motto, which is " Be brave and Strong"

Traditional Costume of Aceh

Traditional costume of Aceh.jpg