Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Culture of Minang - West Sumatra

Traditional house of West Sumatra

Rumah Gadang

Rumah gadang (big house) are the traditional house of the Minangkabau- West Sumatra. The architecture, construction, internal and external decoration, and the functions of the house reflect the culture and values of the Minangkabau. A rumah gadang serves as a residence, a hall for family meetings, and for ceremonial activities.

Girls in traditional costume

womens of minang

Women of the Minangkabau, a traditionally matrialchal, wear their wealth and influence on their hedress. Heavy and often elaborately crafted, the bridal costumes glitter with real or plated gold, produces mostly in Kota Gadang, the center for fine silver and gold filigree and hand embroidery.

Minangkabau Weavers

minangkabau weavers

Young Minangkabau girls spend time weaving ceremonial costumes. As a cottage industry, richly woven cloth have become one of best souvenir items from West Sumatra

Traditional Costume of West Sumatra

traditional costume of West Sumatra

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