Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Seudati Dance from Aceh

seudati dance

A traditional but popular dance, The Seudati dance is performed by eight dance male. Movement depict heroism and valor, accompanied by trampling, snapping of the fingers, and chest beating, to the rhythm of merry instrumental and song accompaniment.

Seudati dance is a traditional dance typical of Aceh, which is popular in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam era of the kingdom of Aceh and until now very heroic.Seudati come from Arabian language, Syahadatan or Syahadati, it means confession or Syahadat sentence. This dance already developed in Aceh since hundred years ago. Characteritics of Seudati are heroic, cheerful, and equality. This dance not using music instrument but the dancers making music from their fingers, hit their fit to the floor, hit their hands to the chest and also the lyrics which sang by two narators and usually called as Aneuk Syahi. The lyrics usually bring the theme about religion or information about nationality.

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